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Mastering Letter Writing

CIQ ID: CIQ21909
Expiry Date: 30-12-2020

What is letter writing? It is an art that an individual should learn, know and practice to become a professional letter writer. Letter writing occurs in many forms like letters, notes, and postcards. In this course, you will learn how to write different types of letters and their purposes. You will also learn about the important points that will help you make your letter impressive. You will also learn how to get the right content for your letter. You will go through the dos and don’ts of writing a letter. You will come across the common mistakes the writers do during writing any letter whether personal or a business letter.

Course Provider: john-academy istudy adams academy

SKU: FER342ew Category:


CiQ has verified and approved of this Mastering Letter Writing and can be held in high regards given that:

check Mastering Letter Writing can help you in your personal self development and enhance your career prospects in the given field

check The course has clearly defined aims and goals

check You will be able to get help on this subject with the aid of our quick and easy support services
check The course is available to all levels of learners and compatible with modern devices
